Monday, December 14, 2015
2015-12-04 Droidcon - recenzja konferencji
Sunday, December 6, 2015
November @ JUGLODZ - learning by deleting and communities cooperation
Global Day of Code Retreat
The main event in November on JUG Lodz was the Global Day Of Code Retreat workshop. This time we had a pleasure to have Adrian Bolboaca ( as a host.
Adrian gain a lot of experience by hosting Global Day of code retreat year after year all over the world and this time he shared his knowledge with JUG Lodz. You can check participant's opinions here --> Interviews after GBDC.. Interviews are in polish but all if you don't know polish language - everyone was more than HAPPPY:)
Cooperation between communities
A day before GDCR Adrian presented another topic titled "Legacy Code is Fear" where he explained how you can defend your code against erosion.
There was also one additional reason why this meeting was unique. For the first time we as a JUG had organized a meeting along with Dev@Lodz group ( & The idea was that each group invite one presenter so "our" speaker was Adrian and dev@Lodz invited Maciej Aniserowicz ( who spoke about CQRS.
We started this month with a presentation made by Damian Sińczak ( about AOP.
You can see the presentaiton here :Docker
Piotr Kieszczyński ( has started a new cycle about Docker.
We also had a chance to listen about Ansible during a presentation prepared by Dominik Stożek (
And of course there is a presentation :Workshops
First of all Akka returned to JUG Lodz thanks to Robert Budźko ( This time we learned about akka persistence functionality
Haskell adventure continues thanks to Artur Czajka ( This time we understood the power of Type classes and magic of Functors
Finally we could learn more advanced features of Apache Spark's RDD thanks to Paweł Włodarski (
JUG Lodz on IT Fares
We gave also two presentation on a local IT Faires. First one was about Monad by Artur Czajka
Second one was an introduction to Apache Spark by Paweł WłodarskiLearn to teach - why just having a knowledge is not enough
There is a lot of very smart people in Lodz however being smart is not enough to share knowledge with community. You need also to have proper "pedagogical skills". That's why for the first time at JUG we had a chance to gain "meta knowledge" about sharing knowledge. Thanks to Marta Wachołek ( and Maciej Jabłoński ( JUG Members have a possibility to train their presentation skills during public speaking workshops.
What's next?
Friday, December 4, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
2015-11-14 Recenzja z Global Day of Code Retreat
Czym jest Global Day of Code retreat?
Warto było?
- podejścia Clean Code
- tworzenia oprogramowania zgodnie z zasadą TDD
- programowania przy użyciu funkcyjnego paradygmatu
- programowania w 2-minutowych iteracjach - przez dwie minuty należało napisać test oraz implementację funkcjonalności. Jeśli nie podejście się nie udało, kod by revert’owany do wcześniejszej postaci i zabawa zaczynała się od początku. Iście kowbojskie podejście! ;)
Międzynarodowe towarzystwo
Friday, November 13, 2015
2015-10-12 Krakowscy kowboje czy łódzcy wojacy?!
Sunday, November 1, 2015
October @JUGLodz - Java8,Java9,Haskell,Mongo and many more!
CompletableFuture and Java8
Tomek is writing a book about RxJava so if you are interested just follow his profile on twitter!
MongoDB and Java Developers
Java 9 is coming
We started second half of October with great presentation about Java 9. Dominik Przybysz @alien11689 presented many new interesting features which are going to be introduced "After Java 8" like modern modularisation with project jigsaw or REPL similar to those already available in Scala, Clojure or Haskell.Rise of Haskell Community
Next one was Michał Ostruszka @mostruszka - he presented his rich knowledge about all application layers in the presentation about modern validation mechanisms.
Third lecture enriched our knowledge about front end layer and the world of 1000 javascript frameworks - a spectacle by Kuba Waliński @kubawalinski
Last presentation was mine about Functional Programming.(PawelWlodarski)
What next? Akka, AOP, Haskell, CodeRetreat and DataScience
- Akka is coming back on Monday 2nd : Akka persistence meetup
- Aspect Oriented Programming on Thursday 5th: Aspect Oriented Programming meetup
- Haskell part 2 : Haskell Part 2 meetup
- "Legacy Code is Fear" by Adrian Bolboaca - Legacy Code is Fear meetup
- Global Day of Code Retreat with Adrian Bolboaca as facilitator : Global Day of Code Retreat meetup
Data Science starts
Spark workshops were continued in October and in November - thanks to new group - Data Science Lodz it should gradually move from simple mechanical exercises on Spark towards solving real world analytic problems. Stay tuned!How to contact us
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
2015-01-29 GeeCon TDD 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015
2015-08-28 CodePot
Codepot - 100% warsztaty, 0 gadania. Fajna atmosfera.
TLTR; end
Cześć byłem na codepot i chciałbym wam to szybko opisać.
Miejsce - Warszawa - jechałem z Łodzi pociągiem z Markiem Defeciński i Sylwią Zając.
Cena - generalnie cena codepot to około 190 zł - dokładnie nie wiem bo wejściówkę wylosowałem. Tutaj zaznaczam, że warto być oficjalnym członkiem JUG Łódź - bo czasami robimy losowania wejściówek tylko wśród oficjalnych członków. Członkostwo to koszt 40 zł - wspierasz JUG-a a czasami możesz wygrać wejściówkę za od 100 do 1000 zł.
Use less Robolectric
Przemysław Jakubczyk
API design process
Wojtek Erbetowski
Head of Engineering @ Polidea
Katarzyna Kucharczyk
Software Engineer @ Polidea
Śmiesznie zrobiony warsztat z humorem. Projektowaliśmy REST api dla kotów. Wynik - projektowanie RESTa jest trudne. Najlepszy Rest to ten, który sam się opisuje:
Xamarin platform for Android Developer
Aleksander Piotrowski
Code Monkey @
Xamarin - idea jest fajna - piszesz w C# raz i generuje aplikacje na android-a i iOs. Dodatkowy plus dla prowadzącego, który zaraża energią i pozwolił mi pracować na swoim mac-u bo mój lapek ma tylko ubuntu ;(Clean code and money - hot to talk about technical debt
Beata Nowakowska
Reactive Programming on Android
Paweł Ptaszyński
Software Engineer @ Samsung R&D Institute Poland
Damian Leszczyński
Solutions Architect/Developer @ Samsung R&D Institute Poland
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Akka, Gradle and Spark – September 2015 @JUGLodz
After summer break – hungry for new knowledge – programmers community in Lodz started new season! The main topic of this month was “Akka framework” . Our first special guest was Arek Burduch ( from Touk ( who came to us from Warsaw to present his practical experience with Akka.
- Meetup Link - Evolution of concurrent programming models
- Slides
And one Week later – Cezary Draus ( did a presentation about Spock – a testing framework written in Groovy which is very expressive and can be easily used in Java Projects.
There is a famous quote from Confucius (at least THE INTERNET says it's from Confucius ;))
“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
So on Jug Lodz we also had a chance to participate in practical workshops. First of all Robert Budźko ( organized workshops “Actors Fundamentals” which in very good (and practical) way explained to participants general pros and cons of Akka actor framework
Last workshop was prepared by Pawel Wlodarski ( - an introduction to BigData world with modern Apache Spark framework. We had a chance to understand Spark origins, general philosophy and it's place in BigData ecosystem.
- Meetup - Apache Spark Introduction
What's next?
In October it will be Lódź JUGs pleasure to host the best speaker of Confitura 2015.! Tomasz Nurkiewicz will tell us about CompletableFutures and Java reactive programming principles. Few days later Functional programming Mothershop will visit Łódź! Artur Czajka is going to start series of Haskell workshops.
Friday, September 11, 2015
2015-09-11 Geecon microservices
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Multikino Sopot |
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Korytarz ze stanowiskami sponsorów gdzie odbywały się liczne konkursy |
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Początek konferencji |
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Fred George na scenie |
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Struktura mikroserwisów w firmie Gilt zajmującej się wyprzedażami modowych produktów |
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Struktura aplikacji opartej na mikroserwisach w firmie 4finance |
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Slajd z prezentacji Erika Dörnenburg'a |